Ok, I have sat and been quiet. Its been months since I brushed off the old BLOG and took it out for a spin. For reasons I can not explain (laziness, aggravation etc.) I have not had the urge to post. I was trying to change the direction of my posting's from aggravated, watch dog (OK, more like a listening cat) to comedic, up beat happiness. I was getting more and more frustrated with everything in life, and decided to let things beyond my control (media, Government, celeb's, etc..) not annoy me. It is amazing how repressing such things can causes eye twitching, stiff neck, headache's and general discomfort. Well, no more will I not hide faceless behind a keyboard. And now I feel more inspired to write than ever. And the first order of business is to kick the U.N. (United Nations) in the nuts (which they do not really have).
Iran, North Korea.....Iran, North Korea.....Iran,North Korea....IRAN it is. Ok, first and foremost take a quick second to think of those poor people. They were born into a place where the Supreme Leader (Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei) was chosen by Allah. The long and short of it is that if he (Khamenei) says it, than it is gods will (It is probably best that I don't have this ability). So, apparently someone got a hold of the "god" phone and pranked the shit out of him. They must have said something to the effect of "hold a fake, unfair election. Screw over your people (even more than usual) and then beat the be-Allah (that's bejesus for christians) out of them when they become upset.
Now the elections (as I am sure you know) was between Incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (from the Douche bag party I believe) and reform Douche Bag candidate ir-Hossein Mousavi Khameneh. Sadly, in Iran this was their only options. This is because the Supreme Leader picks the candidates on his own and lets the people vote which of the two they want....and by vote I mean he PICKED Ahmadinejad, and let Mousavi run....to...ummm....well, give him something to do. It was a close election with SOME PRECINCTS report over 100%. What a turn out, when more people vote than are registered. That is freaking awesome! A.C.O.R.N. must have been hard at work over there. So, Mousavi lost. It was close..it had to be because it took the Iranian Government and entire 2 hours after the polls closed to announce that they counted all of the PAPER, HAND WRITTEN ballots to declare Ahmadinejad the winner. And after the obvious democratic partial and fair day long recount.... it was once again declared that Ahmadinejad had again won. No matter who won, the Iranian people were hosed. Since, both candidate where no prom date. Ahmadinejad is certifiable and well "Bat Shit Crazy" and Mousavi is only a little bit less radically crazy.
Well at some point between getting hosed and getting fucked over the citizens of Iran decided enough was enough. They took to the streets in peaceful protest (It really was at the beginning). They were upset that the lesser of the two evil's was not given a fair shot. I don't blame them.
I have learned alot about Iran lately. between media, research online and what my dog tells me (he lives and breathes international politics) Iranian Citizen and American's are not all that different. The average age of the country is 33, they are extremely well educated, Modern (considering they are constantly held back by their Government) and pretty nice people. I know that their maybe a ton of difference between the two countries, however, the people in Iran seem to generally embrace the freedoms they have and yearn for a more democratic life style to be able to have more freedom.
So, not we come to back to the Ayatollah. He stated that the partial recount was done, Ahmadinejad was and is going to be president and that is that. He also advised that people need to stop protesting or else. This was about a week after the "or else" had already started by the way. You see at this point, the Basij (paramilitary militia) was already out in full force beating people into a pulp, shooting people, imprisoning people and well generally being really Dickish. And I do not blame the Basij as individuals. This is a LEADERSHIP that stones people to death, cut off hands and all that fun stuff. But I blame their leader ship. I know they act out of fear, however, at some point someone has to say "FUCK, I just clubbed Bob from down the street" and make a stand. It is a tremendous blight on mankind.
Now that being said, its time to target who I am REALLY pissed at..our friends at the United Nations. I have one question for the U.N....WHAT THE FUCK! Why is it that everytime something actually happens you morons do your best Hellen Keller. Seriously! Can someone point out the last time the U.N. was useful! It is the same fucking dog and pony show every time. Something happens on the international community, and WE (The U.S.) are forced to look like dicks because we ACTUALLY say something.
Now, I did not vote for President Obama, and I thought he was a tad slow to react. I am not going to venture a guess as to his stratedgy on this. If he was waiting to see where it was going, if he was weighing options or just wasn't sure what to say. I know there was speculation that he was afraid that if he said something, the Iranian Government would turn it around and blame the U.S. for the protests. Here is a little hint, we were going to get the blame anyhow. I knew it, and I am not that smart!
That being said, WHY THE FUCK did the U.N. not go to the forefront of this and make a statement and take the reigns. because it was not CONVEINIENT to them. Just as with EVERY Security Resolution they pass (I'll get going on N. Korea in a bit), they don't do shit. That leaves the U.S. and a few other countries to act. And if we did not, then we are ostricized, criticized and every other "icized" on an international level. While they just sit on their ass and collect a paycheck. The U.N. is the international Bernie Madoff. We give them ass loads of money to be apart of this, and they take our money, and don't give us anything in return (Ok, we probably have a nice office somewhere at the U.N. headquarters in New York). The U.S. and a few other countries need to tell them to put up or shut up. Put on your light blue beret's and take a stand. I am sick and tired of hearing "The U.N. put trade embargo's and sanctions on country A and B". and then a month later, we find out that countries that are apart of the U.N. are selling items to these countries that are forbidden (France and Russia, remember when we found new equipment in Iraq after the war started that France and Russia produced and sold to them. And the equipment was on the forbidden list...ya amazingly that information went away fast too).
Which brings me to N. Korea. Its kinda like Iran, except instead of Supreme Leader, its Dear Leader (Kim Jong Il). And instead of the supreme leader talking to god, Dear Leader pretty much thinks he is. He is a tyrant leader who as done NOTHING but defy international law set by the U.N., shocking I know. Now he has a couple of rockets that MAYBE Nuclear and he is insinuating that he is going to launch one toward Hawaii on July 4 (or around then, I don't think he has a daily planner to keep track of dates). Now, first of all, I think that he is a dying man, that will take a chance of blowing some shit up before he goes. Just to say he did it. I believe there is a direct connection (hence the defensive rockets we have in place now) between July 4 (Our independance day if you forgot) and Hawaii (Pearl Harbor). I think that in his sick and twisted mind, if we enforce the U.N. Resolution regarding shipping (which we will have too, because no other country appears to be helping out...) then we created an act of war (thanks U. N.) and he will and I quote "If the U.S. imperialists start another war, the army and people of Korea will ... wipe out the aggressors on the globe once and for all".
Now, that being said, lets look at a few facts. As much as we know about N. Korea, there is assloads more that we DO NOT KNOW. They have purposely been shut off from the international community, only releasing what they want. We are FAIRLY sure they have a rocket, than can go nuclear and can travel about 4,500 km (crap, they use the metric system....shit I think it is about 4 million miles...) Ok, either way it is seriously enough that we had to put counter measures into place. And even though I have MUCH faith in our countermeasures, I also wouldn't underestimate that this Asshole has a dirty bomb in Hawaii so he can set it off, and say our countermeasures failed. Just to make his regime look better, even to his own people. And the U.N. does nothing. I don't see them doing much more than sitting there say PLEASE. while we have a missile pointed at our face, and again, as much as we THINK we know...we aren't that sure. If we were positive of the missile and its inability to reach Hawaii, then we wouldn't have defense missile's there. and they U.N. does nothing. I am going to toss out a role play here. In this Role Play, the U.N. is the police department, N. Korea is an Angry Ex-Husband and Hawaii is the Ex-Wife. read it through.....
U.N. - "Police Department, can I help you"
Hawaii - "Yes, my husband is standing a football field away. He has a hunting rifle and a scope pointed at my head. He says if I do anything to make him mad..he'll shoot."
U.N. - "is the gun real?"
Hawaii - "I don't know"
U.N. - "Well ma'am if you want, we can tell him not to shoot"
Hawaii - "Can you just take his gun away, he is mentally insane, and I don't know how good of a shot he is"
U.N. - "Well, if you want..you can get a gun too and point it back at him"
Hawaii - "Thats fine, but why can't you send the police, swat team etc. to stop him so I do not die"
U.N. - "Well ma'am how about this, We will vote on a resolution stating that he can not have the gun, or transport the gun. And based of the resolution we will give all the cops the right to stop him and frisk him...but they won't. Your just going to have to check for the gun yourself.
Hawaii - "Ummmm.....what if he said that he is going to test fire the rifle and maybe a few other guns in the area of our neighbors house"
U.N. - "and?"
Hawaii - "You guys don't really care"
U.N. - "Well we care, but not enough to take action...that would look bad if we just arrested him and took his guns away"
Hawaii - "Do you have the phone number for the ambulance, I might need them soon"
U.N. - "Call 411, have a nice day"
Now, I know that that is a real scaled down example, but the point is there. I mean seriously, can the U.N. just fucking do something. If not, thats fine, but they better not ask for help they next time they feel frisky and want to do something. And when will we as a country stand up to them and say fuck off....probably when we end up in North Korea on a U.N. peace keeping mission and find illegal weapons and equipment sold to them by Russia.
Well, let me know what you think below!
Very nice, well put......
Just thought I would toss this on as I just read it.....nice huh!
Well done as usual except for one small detail. You're basing your assumptions about the US reaction to the U.N and N. Korea on something I like to call common sense. Nothing that Barky and his minions have done in the past 6 months comes close to resembling common sense. If I were in charge, I would evict that impotent organization and put the land that the U.N occupies to good use. and submit a bill for the back rent that they owe us for use of said land.
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