Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dear Berkeley California, FUCK OFF

First, READ THIS LINK ~ http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/02/07/berkeley.protests/ and when you are done, read on.

So, I was going to have this blog be a happy, fun going, YAY entry. I have had a lot of good things in life, Work, Home, Family and Friends that is going great. I was trying to decide if I should write about starting Search and rescue training with Kona (see earlier blog) or my friends having their first baby, or doing a blurb about family and the meaning of it....then the rage built. I have been thinking about those assholes down in Berkeley. I tried to fight but to quote David Banner "Mr. Mcghee, don't make me angry....you wouldn't like me when I am angry". And here I go.................................

Dear Berkeley California, FUCK OFF. Love Shaun. See, I started this blog to chronicle some of my life in trying to adapt in politically correct California. As many of you know, I grew up in a far different place in Massachusetts near Boston. I grew up with several morals, one of which you stand up for you country no matter what. Remember 9-11 (I hate throwing that around to ground peoples mind) and how we all felt, I honestly feel like that all the time. My country is the best, and I am allowed to post on here and say what ever I want because millions of Soldiers gave their life for me to be able to do it. Not just the current Iraq war, but all of our conflicts. There were soldiers who didn't know me or my family from a hole in the ground, but they fought tooth and nail and many paid the ultimate sacrifice for me and you to be able to walk around saying what we want and believing what we want. NOW PAY SOME RESPECT!!

Ok, you don't support the Iraq War, fine. I appreciate that. I have to admit that there are certain things that I don't agree with. But god strike me down if I don't believe in the Soldiers that are over there. They can set up a recruitment center in my living room if they want. I'll make the new recruits dinner as they come in and kiss there ass before they sit at my table. But for these lowlife, inbred, misguided DICKHEADS, I wanna punch them all in there Duodenum. And that is just the fucks that are protesting.

Now, the city council. Hi friends, your fucking fired. How the hell do you morons sleep at night? I'll tell ya WRAPPED IN THE AMERICAN FLAG. You boneheads are missing the point, you have free speech, the right of lawful assembly. You can have a giant antiwar march all over your backward ass city for all I care. JUST LEAVE THE MILITARY ALONE. There are young men and woman who understand the importance of country and freedom. For some its a way to give back to the country that has provided for them, and others its there only chance to lead a positive life. Whatever it is, they are ADULTS, you let them decide. God, I wish I lived in there so I could get the city so fire'd up at me they would show up with pitchforks and torches. That would be sweet. Oh and by the way, I have already wrote to my State Rep and Senators to have the University of California facility moved to a city that could use the money. Watch your property values and rental properties fall through the floor. Oh and the millions in commerce that Starbucks, Borders and other popular student hangouts are, GONE. Yup, they will follow the UC to the next city. Parking Citations, Moving Violations GONE. No one would be driving around there is some more money down the drain. Now, when that's all gone you'll be begging for a Marine recruiting station because you want the business. Piss off and get out of my country. Oh here is a link to the Berkely City Council.

Remember don't threaten them or anything crazy, because that is reason for them to get air time telling everyone how they were threatened for being a bold politician that stood up for change. That will fuel thier run for Governor or something like that. Just tell them how you feel, they are all getting a copy of my blog for their enjoyment. Seriously, I don't care where you live, email them and see if they respond, them forward them to me at splewis1977@gmail.com. I want to post them as well. To quote Roman Moroni from Johnny Dangerously "This is fargin war! ".

And for "CODE PINK" here is there website http://www.codepinkalert.org/article.php?id=3622.I don't know what to say about these idiots. Again, I am all for freedom of speech and right to lawful assembly, but DAMN don't shit on the ones who give you that right. Go protest the judge that lets a convicted sex offender walk, or a domestic violence suspect. Protest unfair wages for woman, or ANYTHING but this. don't turn a good idea and act (your speech and freedoms) in to acts of outright lunacy and stupidity.

Now, as far as the poor Marines who pulled a shit assignment and got stuck dealing with these jackoffs, I can not find direct email to them. So, the next servicemen or servicewoman you see, thank them, kiss their ass and make them dinner, that's is what I would do:)

PS~ This is one I want feedback on. Please leave comments and REALLY email those councillors. thanks! Oh and in case you don't think I am all about this, I have forwarded a link to the Berkeley City Council.

Monday, February 11, 2008

"New dog in the house, incumbent dog wants a recount - News at 11."

Well, He is surely big, smart and Handsome. But enough about me from a third person prospective, Everyone meet Kona, our new 1 year old Chocolate Lab (a touch of Chesapeake Bay Retriever). He is about 65 lbs. right now and according to the vet "In perfect health".We recently adopted Kona from some people that did not long have the time to give him. Here he is in pictures from an obedience training session.

Lola, as seen here, is just as excited about our decision to add a new dog to the family. Actually, she has been doing so well, and we are so proud of her. She has surely let him know who's house he is in, but also has let him get comfortable in his new digs. We were a little nervous, since she has always been a little screwy with other dogs, however, I think she is enjoying having her personal bodyguard around.

Kona and I found out that were are going to be accepted into the VERY preliminary training for Search and Rescue Training though CARDA and we are excited. We have a lot to work to do to even make the apprenticeship program and then become ready to work, but he is smart and I think he will do fine....me on the other hand.....we'll see. All I know is in the short time we have had time he has done FANTASTIC with his obedience and trusting me. He really has excelled in numerous tasks, as you can see in the pictures. The ones in the field and the play structure are his "Training" pictures. One of the things I have been told for a working dog, is to get them as used to the unusual as possible. Let the dog know that he can go into whatever tell him to and trust that he won't get hurt. So, these are preliminary "tests" just to see where our trust and bond are. I'd say pretty good. Well, I got lots to do with the dogs (its off to the park and let them run run run). enjoy the slide show pictures, and please leave me your comments. Also, ignore the sound on the video, I was being nice

Also, a full Flickr slide show can be seen here: Kona and Lola